FAQS for Clients

We believe the time leading up to a wedding day should be as fun as your wedding day. We are committed to helping nearlywed’s plan their day with ease and believe the best decisions are made with a drink in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other. Let’s get back to basics, to the core of what it means to get married and have a bit of fun along the way. 

Who? Our legendary vendors? They just happen to be some of the most incredible human beings you will ever meet. Their passion and love for weddings is their ticket into onVendi. We don’t let just anyone into our lives. Every one of our vendors has made a commitment to giving their couples the most incredible day of their life, one they will reminisce and talk about forever.  

First things first, check the T&C’s on your contract with your vendor to know where you stand. Once you know what’s up get in touch with your vendor ASAP.